Andy Hinchcliffe doesn’t think that there is any need for Everton to be emotional and place a bid for one of their old boys Wayne Rooney because at this stage, he may not be the right player for them.

As per Hinchcliffe, Everton has made big strides ahead in the recent times. They have been trying to blood in new talent and form a young, energetic squad and with Ronald Koeman at the helm, they have also made it a point to adopt a style which looks good on the pitch.
Everton has never had the most beautiful style of play in the English game. They have always known to be effective rather than pleasing to the eye, but, under Koeman, it’s been seen that there is focus on the style of play as well.
In short, they have shown a sense of purpose in whatever they have done, but, would there be any purpose involved in roping Rooney in if that’s what they do? What can they expect from the present Red Devils’ skipper? That’s what Hinchcliffe wants to ask.
Clarifying his point, Hinchcliffe says that he is not suggesting Rooney has nothing left in the tank. Of course he has, but, not too much to be brutally honest. He wouldn’t be one of the top Premiership players five years down the line, that’s for sure. So he can only be a temporary prospect and Everton has not been too keen for such individuals of late.
All the signings have been made keeping the long term plans in mind. Then why not to continue with that same mentality and opt for those players who can serve the club for long rather than opting for Rooney?
Emotions apart, Hinchcliffe is surely making a fair point there.